Friday, October 24, 2008

Bracken Cave Bat Roost

What is it? ................. Home to the largest know bat colony in the world.
How to get there: ...... By road from San Antonio.
When to go: ................. May to September
Nearest Town: ............ San Antonio 32 km
Don't Miss: .................... The emergence of the colony at dusk.
You should know: ....... Bracken Cave is only open to BCI members, and only on certain nights at present. However, there will be a viewing platform and other viewing areas in due course.

Bracken Cave in central Texas is summer home to some 20 million Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis). Located less than 20 miles from downtown San Antonio, the cave has come under increasing threat of urbanization.
The bats of Bracken Cave comprise the largest known bat maternity colony in the world, producing millions of young each year. In March and April, expectant females return to Bracken after overwintering in Mexico. Most males roost elsewhere in smaller groups. In the latter part of June, females give birth to a single pup, nearly doubling the cave's population.

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